Friday, November 1, 2013


As Day 1 of the publicly announcing what you are grateful for comes to an end, I contemplated if I wanted to jump on the bandwagon. I have a few different times in various ways but decided why not again and incorporate my blog! :) This also will help me accomplish the 21 days of gratitude we are doing at work. I have noticed this past year especially with my happiness project that the more often I say out loud or write down what I am thankful for it reminds me of the positives in life. This also helps me from falling into the trap of "Negative Nancy" We all know those people and this past year I have tried really hard to limit my interactions with them so I am not surrounded by all their complaints and I have tried extra hard not to be one. I will admit I have my hard moments and I slip into the trap but I am trying hard not to be that person cause lets just be plain honest THEY ARE EXHAUSTING!

Ok, so enough about the negatives this is suppose to be what I am grateful for! So today I feel I need mention how grateful I am for friends. Not saying its my #1 because I am talking about them on day one but just feel they need a particular special shout out today.

In the past I have had people claim to be my friend and I am sure many of you have as well. But just claiming to be one's friend only goes so far. Even some claim to be your best friend but within time sorta dump you along the road for no particular reason.

Then there are the people who claim to be your friend and mean every bit of the claim and those are the people I am most grateful for today!

Being able to call my bestie after an awkward and uncomfortable encounter at work and have her just listen as I spoke of the encounter and my struggle with it. To have her husband get on the line to tell me a Chuck Norris quote and send me laughing! Both just what I needed.

Being able to lay on my friend's couch and watch a movie because we were both sick and she gave me medicine and Gatorade.

I am grateful for all the friends who continuously send me support messages during my crazy adventures. Who help me figure out what I am doing and make sense of it so I don't fall flat on my face.

Grateful for the friends who feed me delicious food and checking up on me to see that I am doing okay.

Grateful for the friends who invite me to things even after I have to say No because of work. (Keep inviting because one of these days I promise I will be able to say YES)

Grateful for friends who even though we don't see each other often still keep in contact with me through facebook.

Grateful for those friends who are always posting positive things and helping me to see the positives.

Grateful for the friends who make me laugh and know just what to do to put a smile on my face.

Grateful for friends who help me see outside the norm and appreciate different perspectives of life.

Grateful for those friends who never stop being a friend even tho life gets busy! That means so much knowing that no matter what you have a friend in them.

Lastly grateful for you friends who have accepted me for me. Who have realized I am not perfect and I have my faults but you are willing to look past them and help me look past them and still be there at my side.

There was periods of times in my life when I felt as if I never had a true friend. Then there were periods of life when I felt like I only had one or two true friends. But today I have thought about how many "true friends" I have right now and my heart swells with gratitude for each of you.

Thank you true friends for coming into my life and impacting it for the better! I am a better person because of your influences. I hope I can strive to be as good a friend to you as you are to me!

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