Saturday, November 2, 2013


Today I am grateful for exercise! I have come to appreciate it more and more the older I am getting. When I was younger I could got about my busy life because I had such a high metabolism. Then I decided to serve a LDS mission to Brasil where they feed you the most delicious food ever and lets just say the pounds came on!

Over the years I have not been able to loose the weight with my busy life schedule and so exercise has never been a consistent thing in my life. I would get good at it then another crazy job or assignment at a particular job would consume my life and exercising would take a back burner.

The past few years I have tired to exercise more in my life and even though the weight coming off is slow other things much more important have come into play. I tend to have more energy, I am happier, and my overall outlook is better.

To prove my point I worked out this morning and even though I feel as if I have been hit by a freight train right now and my nausea has returned, earlier today I was feeling great. I was over all in a general happy mood, I got most of my laundry done, and I wrote majority of my paper. The thoughts just flowed. I wanted to finish it tonight but sadly with how I feel right now I just want to go to bed. But besides the yucky feeling I feel right now I LOVED the other feeling I felt this morning.

I know I don't have the most perfect body and I know I stress over my flaws more then I should and as silly as it is I do sometimes wonder if anyone will love me with my flaws since they don't seem to want to disappear but I am learning to love myself for me and to recognize that is what matters most.

Exercise has provided that motivation to accept me for me and to remember that even though I have flaws I am working on them and even if I will never loose all the excess weight I need to I am actually out there moving my body and eating healthy. That is what truly matters and that perspective is what I am most grateful for!

I have tried different types of exercising and have come to have an appreciation for most types. I enjoy Zumba and attempting to run lol and lately I have been focusing more on strength training and have enjoyed it a lot. I love coming through a finish line no matter how slow I ran. It is just a great personal satisfaction to know I made it through another finish line :)

I hope to always move my body and to always stay active! I hope to always have the amazing feelings I feel when I work out. So if you read this, go out and find your own appreciation for exercising if you haven't because I guarantee what ever you find enjoyable you will not regret doing. If you have already found your appreciation for exercising keep at it because more than likely you have been my inspiration to get out there and put one foot in front of the other. :)

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