Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Route

Four years ago my work decided to hold their first annual 5K. I thought hmmm 5K, sounds interesting and if I participate I get my quarterly health and wellness money. So, I sign up without much prep and arrive for my first ever 5K. I started running and of course not knowing anything I pushed myself way to hard in the beginning and I thought the route was going to kill me.

The second year I did a little bit better but I had in my mind that the hill we went up was HUGE!!!! And therefore I didn't care much for the route again as I walked/run and wondered why in heaven's name do people enjoy running! lol The third year I was busy tackling the Tetons with the bros and missed out on the annual race.

This morning was the 4th annual race and ALL summer I kept telling my friend who was going to run it with me that this route is horrible and that there is this crazy HUGE hill and it hurts and it sucks and I hope now that I have been running more that I can actually make it to the top.

Yesterday was a hard day! HARD. DAY. And no need for details but with that hard day came tears. Multiple times thought out the day the tears flowed. SO. MANY. TEARS. With that came the most horrific headache and upset stomach!

I awoke and arrived at 6:30 this morning to help set up for the race and was still feeling horrible. And I thought and I have to run that blasted hill this morning as well. My summer side kick running support showed up for the race and off we went. It wasn't even mile 1 and I thought I was going to puke! She kept pushing me along! "You can do it Sarah!" " It's still flat, we got this" and we continued on.

The spot where the hill was, was coming up and I was dreading it with every fiber of my being! And then it came into view and some how the gigantic hill became........ a steady climb! Was it easy? Heck No! Was it possible? Heck Yes!

You see I had mentally pictured this route to be the hardest route out there based on the one experience I had. Because I had the one bad experience I had my mind set up that it was always going to be bad and nothing else. I just knew that I would never be able to conquer that hill.

Such is the same with life. We have one bad experience and we settle in thinking I don't deserve any more than what is given to me. We allow ourselves to justify attitudes and behaviors and let ourselves think this is all we deserve. SO NOT TRUE!!!! The more we put these mental blocks in our heads the less of a chance we have to progress and to truly see what true joy, true happiness, and true triumph can be. We must endure pain to experience true happiness and we can have that true happiness if we put enough faith in allowing it to happen.

I made it up the hill this morning and as I did the above thoughts flowed through my mind and the pains started to become less noticeable and I obtained enough momentum and desire to keep going to the end. Again much is true with life. We need to gain that confidence in ourselves that we can achieve whatever thing we want in life if we allow ourselves to have confidence and faith that it can happen. We need to have the confidence in ourselves to believe that we can have the best out there and not need to settle for what is readily at our fingertips for fear and the mental mind set that we are not worthy of anything better in our lives.

We need to remember we have the power within to make the necessary changes in our lives to create the up most happiness and triumphs in our lives. I know it sounds cheesy but its the absolute truth. I allowed myself to think I would never get over a gigantic hill that was in reality a steady climb and with enough practice over the years I was able to accomplish it.

The more we put one foot in front of the other, believe we don't have to settle, and recognize our own worth and ability then opportunities open up beyond measure and that  those mental blocks disappear.

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