The second day the challenge was to read and ponder Personal Revelation and Testimony by Barbara Thompson. Can I just say WOW! As I listened to conference in October I seriously felt they were all speaking directly to me. As I am re-reading the talks I am feeling it so much more and grateful for the reminders and the insights.
This talk talks about gaining our own testimony and recognizing personal revelation. She states "often as we grow from childhood to adolescence and then to adulthood we have challenges and experiences along the way which cause us to know that we need the divine help that comes through the Holy Spirit". I can HONESTLY testify how true this is. Its thru his divine help that has helped me through all challenges and experiences in my life.
Sister Thompson speaks of an experience in the Book Of Mormon where Lehi talks to his sons about some revelations and teachings. Nephi sought on his own to find out if it was true and gained his own testimony of it. His brothers however didn't and struggled with words that were said. I think this true in our lives. No matter our religious beliefs or our faith level we all struggled at one point with things that are being taught. Even though we believe most people to be talking of the word of God we are all human with our own take on it. I know for a FACT that the only way to know that something is true is to seek in prayer for the answer for ourselves.
Nephi approached his brothers and asked if they had inquired of the Lord? He reminded them that the Lord had said if ye do not harden your hearts and ask me in faith believing that ye shall receive with diligence in keeping my commandments surely these things shall be known unto you. Sister Thompson goes on to say the way to receive personal revelation is really quite clear. We need to desrire to receive revelation, we must not hardern hearts, and then we need to ask in faith, truly believe that we will receive an answer, and then diligently keep the commandments of God. This is so true in my belief. There are times when we want answers but we don't have the true desire therefore we never seek the answer. We like the faith and courage to accept the right answer when it comes because we have a fear that the answer will be one we don't want. We will NEVER know unless we put these steps into practice. If we do what the Lord asks of us at all times then he will always guide us in the right direction and manifest the truthfulness of all things to us.
I like how she points out that following this pattern does not mean that every time we ask a question of God that he will answer immediately but that it does mean the answers will come in the Lord's own way and in His time. I think its key that we remember in his own time. I know from experiences that this causes doubts and frustrations but I also know as I apply from faith in Him above all else that my frustrations subside and I am a little more patient. I am not saying that it is easy thou and we all know how I lack patience but over the years God has slowly been teaching me more patience and diligence in the things that are right.
Sister Thompson reminds us that personal revelation can come through scripture study, listening and following the counsel of the prophets and other Church leaders, and seeking to live faithful, righteous lives. Revelation comes in all forms but as we seek to recognize it for ourselves we will know individually how we personally receive revelation.
President Uchtdorf teaches that revelation and testimony do not always come with overwhelming force. For many, a testimony comes slowly-a piece at a time. He counsels us to earnestly seek the light of personal revelation. Let us plead with the Lord to endow our mind and soul with the spark of faith that will enable us to receive and recognize the divine ministering of the Holy Spirit.
Sister Thompson then continues our testimonies fortify us and strengthen us as we face challenges in our daily lives. It is our testimony combined with our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and our knowledge of the plan of salvation which helps us get through these times of trial and hardship. This has been so true in my life specifically. Lat year there were many times when I was brought so low and was wondering when I would be on top again but one thing that kept me going was my testimony of the truth and my belief in God. She talks of a sister struggling with trials thru World War II and people asked her how she didnt loose her faith her faith and how she kept her testimony during all those trials and she responds I didn't keep a testimony through those times - the testimony kept me. I know exactly how she felt. My testimony keeps me going on a daily basis.
But as mentioned in the talk it can only keep us going if we nourish and cultivate the testimony. We need to dedicate ourselves to attending church services and do our best to attend ALL of it. Partake of the sacrament weekly and feast upon the good word. I am grateful for the many opportunities I have tio culitvate my testimony daily. I know revelation comes in many forms and I get so excited and feel so much gratitude when I recognize it. For me when I recognize it my testimony of my Saviors love for me increases. I realize even more how mindful he is of me. I have learned that these answers depend upon my willingness to do my part and to follow what I know to be right. I have come to realize that our desires are not always answered immediately but I have gained a comfort in knowing that my Savior and Heavenly Father are still mindful of me and answers will come in his time. As I desire to truly to be answered in his time he will give me the answers and desire of my heart. For this I will eternally be grateful for my testimony and personal revelations that I receive! :)
Nice thoughts! CUTE blog too!