Like This:
Why am I losing ounces while everyone else is losing pounds?
Why am I losing milimeters while everyone else is losing inches?
Why can this person run 2 hrs w/o stoping and I can barely run 2 minutes w/o wanting to die?
Why do I try to be everyones friend and when I do there is always someone who will stab me in the back?
Why am I carrying such a heavy workload and when I say something its misinterpreted as I am weak and can't hack the job?
Why do I bust myself to hear "Hey Great Job!" from someone who is of importance to never hear those words?
Why do I end up being the person an angry person turns to releave their frustration and anger?
Why am I being asked to carry some pretty heavy spiritual responsibilities while still single?
Why am I still single?
What more can I be doing?
Etc etc........
We get the point especially if you are girl and someone is actually reading my blog. We all go through similar feelings.
So why can't I just say:
Hey an ounce is better than nothing!
Hey a milimeter is better than nothing!
Hey you are running and even tho its slow you are faster than the couch potato vegging in front of a t.v.
Hey these stabs in the back are just Gods way of showing you who really are your true friends and what not to do in your quest to becoming a true friend to someone else and God will compensate it all.
Hey the workload may be be hard and gruesome and even tho you are being misinterpreted the point is, is that you are doing it and revel in the strength of endurance
Hey it doesn't matter if people you want to praise you never do because the ones who do really mean it and those are the ones who really matter
Hey I am someone they trust and feel comfortable enough around to let their guard down ( this one is still really hard for me tho b/c I REALLY don't deserve to be the brunt of someone elses anger)
Hey God loves you and trusts you and knows you better than you know yourself. This is why he has given you amazing friends, family, and a rockin hardcore presidency. He has placed the people in your life that you need to accomplish what he has in store for you.
Hey at least you haven't ended up with a deadbeat, or someone who lacks true character, or someone who mistreats you and your values, or someone who wants to devout their life to you then turn around after you make lasting commitments and divorces you.
Hey despite wanting to do more revel in the fact that you are doing something and anything no matter how small is always better than nothing
We struggle for the mere fact we are GIRLS! And as girls we are always striving just a little more to find that perfection. I think its because we know our potential and want to prove we are better so we allow the negative nanny to come a creepin in! But we need to look for the positives and make a point of finding something positive daily or even hourly if needed. We need to quit comparing and realize we are our number one and the focus should be on ourselves and no one else!
And above else as a dear friend recently told me we need to remember that God COMPENSATES! We go through the hard and trying and negative nanny moments so God can raise us to our potential and give us more than we ever dreamed possible. Trials will come but so will the blessings and that reward is worth every penny of it!
So forgive my downer debbie or negative nanny moments and just remember Im just a Girl trying to figure it all out in this complicated world attempting to give myself pep rallies and moral boosters. So when the hard stuff comes and I can't seem to peel off the the Big Ol' "L" off my forehead, throw me a metaphoric pom pom and I will throw one right back at ya!