Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So I have not kept up with my blog as I had originally intended to do. Surprise Surprise! In all honesty I couldn't figure out how to find it after the fact! I am not the most technological savy person I know! lol But now that I think I have it figured out I intend to be better at writing on it and catching up on all the exciting and interesting and though provoking things that have gone in my life. Tonight however compassion has been on my mind a lot lately and I pondered it quite a bit while working in the temple tonight. What is compassion? and how do we gain true compassion for others? I have this amazing friend who has demonstrated what true compassion is. She is working full time, going to school, has tons of family obligations, yet she always seem to find a moment to reach out to others and be there for them at all costs. Most recently she has been given a pretty time consuming church calling and a sister moved into her ward who was suffering from cancer and passed away today. It has been really heart wrenching to all. My friend has now stepped in to not only continue to do what she has been doing but now to literally bear the burdens of others, mourn with those that are mourning and comforting those who stand in need of comfort. As I have sat and pondered her example I have realized how much more I can learn on being more compassionate. Compassion is not only verbage of something but an action as well. It truly is when we loose ourselves in the service of others that we can see and feel how God feels. I have also pondered another friend who has become another mom to me. I was a stranger to their family and showed up at their house and stayed with them for ten days. From day one she welcomed me with open arms and included me in on everything. Over the next 10 days we discussed everything under the sun. I realized just how sincere and real she is and it has been manifested in the way she is so compassionate to her children, to me, and to all those who come in contact with her. I am realizing tonight how much I lack in true compassion and how grateful I am for these two examples and many more in my life. I want to strive to be better at exemplifying my Saviors example and I want to be more of a doer in my compassion efforts. For in giving service to others is where true happiness develops in our lives. I will forever be indebted and grateful for the continual examples in my life that help show me my potential! :)