My Dear Friends, Family, Acquaintances, and whomever else is venturing onto this site to read,
I have finally succumb to the ways of the bloggers and have created a blog of my own. Many people I know have blogs and after finding myself being written about from their perspective of my many crazy adventures I have decided that these outings should be relayed to you all first handed. I sort of feel like Julie from the movie Julie and Julia when she finds herself being talked about on her friend's blog. No worries this is NOT your next cooking/recipe blog though I may throw a few up here once in awhile. Another reason I have decided to blog is because I have found many blogs that I have read to be inspiring. A close friend of mine was happily living her life feeling accepted where she was living and with the people she was meeting then one day she was forced to move without any warning. As she talked through her experience of having her life turned upside down in one night and starting over three weeks later she lifted my spirits in so many ways. Through this blog I hope to not only tell my adventures and stories from a first hand perspective but to maybe also write something that would touch or inspire one of you some day. I may had in a poem or bits of a story I am working on, lots of pictures to add to the lack of wording :), lots of humor, and if you are lucky I really will add a recipe or two. Happy readings and hope this journey is a joy for not only the writer but for all who reads it!